Cologne Spring Meeting 2025
Events and Seminars
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17.03.2025, 5:00 p.m. CET, The Career Perspectives Event goes Cologne Spring Meeting 2025!
Dr. Dorit Grundewald, Scientific Coordinator, Food Security Network, University of Cologne
Christina Kothes M.Sc., Innovation Manager, Institute for Plant Sciences, University of Cologne
When: Monday, March 17th 2025 at 17:00
Where: MTI-Building (44b), Joseph-Stelzmann-Straße 9, 50931 Cologne (Next to CECAD)
Click here to inform us until the February 28th 2025 about your participation.
18.-20.03.2025, Cologne Spring Meeting "Plant Ecological Genetics"
Place: MTI-Hörsaalgebäude (building 44b), Joseph-Stelzmann-Str. 50, 50931
22.05.2025, Celebration of the International Day for Biological Diversity
Place: Place: Foyer & Lecture hall 0.024, Biozentrum (building 304), University of Cologne
Program to be announced
27.05.2025, 4:00 p.m. CET, Prof. Caroline Gutjahr, MPI for Molecular Plant Physiology, Golm
Title of the talk: “tba”
Lecture hall tba, University of Cologne (hybrid)
22.-24.09.2025, 5th Internal Progress Colloquium
Past events
Past seminars
25.02.2025, 4:00 p.m. CET, Dr. Walter Durka , Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research, Halle (Online seminar)
Title of the talk: “Nationwide assessment of genetic variation of multiple grassland plants as basis for the development of generalized seed transfer zones: the German RegioDiv project”
20.02.2025, 9:00 a.m. CET, Cologne Minisymposium on Plant Sciences
Place: Foyer & Lecture hall 0.024, Biozentrum (building 304), University of Cologne
14.02.2025, 1:00 p.m. CET, TRR341-CEPLAS Friday, Prof. Kirsten Bomblies, ETH Zürich
Title of the talk: “Mechanistic insights from forward and reverse evolutionary genetics - Two tales of polyploid adaptation”
Lecture hall H230, COPT-Building (315), University of Cologne (hybrid)
21.01.2025, 4:00 p.m. CET, Dr. Dana Lauenroth, University of Lübeck
Title of the talk: “Assessing Herbicide Resistance - Mathematical Models of Weed Management and Resistance Evolution”
Conference room 0.02 (Aquarium), Building of Theoretical Physics (326), Zülpicher Straße 77a, 50937, University of Cologne (hybrid)
17.12.2024, 4:00 p.m. CET, Dr. José María Gómez, Experimental Station of Arid Zones (EEZA-CSIC), Spain
Title of the talk: “Be beneficial for the wrong reason: Exploring the adaptive value of plasticity in Moricandia”
Building 26.24, Floor U1, Hörsäle 6L, HHU Düsseldorf (hybrid)
10.12.2024, 4:00 p.m. CET, Prof. Eric Schranz, Wageningen University
Title of the talk: “Maroon rice genomic diversity reflects 350 years of colonial history”
Lecture hall 4, CoMB-Building (301), 4th floor, University of Cologne (hybrid)
15.10.2024, 3:30 p.m. CET, Prof. Ronald Pierik, Wageningen University
Title of the talk: “Light signaling integration over spatial scales regulates plant developmental plasticity”
Seminar room 0.40, CoMB-Building (301), University of Cologne (hybrid)
15.10.2024, 4:30 p.m. CET, Prof. Christa Testerink, Wageningen University
Title of the talk: “Think global, act local; Getting to the roots of plant resilience to salinity stress”
Seminar room 0.40, CoMB-Building (301), University of Cologne (hybrid)
24.06.2024, 4:00 p.m. CET, Prof. Jill Anderson, University of Georgia, USA
Title of the talk: “Local adaptation in a rapidly changing climate: Insights from a North American wildflower”
Lecture hall 26.11. HS 6A, Heinrich-Heine-University, Düsseldorf (hybrid)
11.06.2024, 3:00 p.m. CET, Mini-Symposium
Dr. Jana Ebler, Heinrich-Heine University, Düsseldorf will talk about “Pangenome-based genome inference”
Prof. Yun S. Song, University of California, Berkeley, will talk about “Predicting functional constraints in proteins and non-coding DNA”.
Lecture hall 4, 4th floor, CoMB (Building 301), University of Cologne (hybrid)
16.04.2024, 4:00 p.m. CET, Prof. Anke Steppuhn, University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart
Title of the talk: “Bitter and sweet: A nightshade defends itself against herbivores”
Lecture hall 4, 4th floor, CoMB (Building 301), University of Cologne (hybrid)
29.02.2024, 4:00 p.m. CET, XXVIIIth Cologne Minisymposium on Plant Biology (TRR341-sponsored event)
Lecture hall 0.024, Biozentrum (Building 304)
06.02.2024, 4:00 p.m. CET, Prof. Anu Eskelinen, University of Oulu, Finland
Title of the talk: “Mechanisms of biodiversity change – insights from plant communities in the Anthropocene”
Lecture hall 0.024, Biozentrum (Building 304), University of Cologne (hybrid)
30.01.2023, 4:00 p.m. CET, Dr. Heiko Vogel, MPI for Chemical Ecology, Jena
Title of the talk: “A (limited) genomic perspective on Insect Adaptive Strategies to Host Plant Defenses”
Lecture hall 0.40, Centrer of Molecular Biology (building 301), University of Cologne (hybrid)
16.01.2024, 4:00 p.m. CET, Dr. Stephan Schiffels, MPI for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig
Title of the talk: “Spatial inference of population structure and prehistoric human mobility from ancient and modern genomes.”
Lecture hall 4 (4th floor), Centrer of Molecular Biology (building 301), University of Cologne (hybrid)
21.11.2023, 4:00 p.m. CET, Prof. Arthur Korte, University of Würzburg
Title of the talk: “Natural variation in gene regulatory networks”
Lecture hall 0.40, Centrer of Molecular Biology (building 301), University of Cologne (hybrid)
26.09.2023, 4:00 p.m. CET, Prof. Michael Lenhard , University of Potsdam
Title of the talk: “Elucidating the molecular basis of floral adaptations to promote outbreeding”
Lecture hall S231, COPT Zentrum (building 315), University of Cologne (hybrid)
01.08.2023, 4:00 p.m. CET, Prof. Sileshi Nemomissa Duguma, Addis Ababa University
Title of the talk: “Afro-alpine “Sky Islands”: Biological dynamics, Speciation and Climate Change”
Lecture hall 0.024, Biozentrum (building 304), University of Cologne
20.06.2023, 4:00 p.m. CET, Prof. Peter Beerli , Florida State University (hybrid)
Title of the talk: “Population divergence estimation”
Lecture hall 4.30, 4th floor of the CoMB (building 301), University of Cologne
09.05.2023, 4:00 p.m. CET, Dr. Vincent Castric, Evo-Eco-Paléo unit, Lille University
Title of the talk: “Genomic basis of diallelic self-incompatibility in the oleaceae”
Lecture hall 0.40, CoMB (building 301), University of Cologne (hybrid)
09.05.2023, 5:00 p.m. CET, Dr. Camille Roux , Evo-Eco-Paléo unit, Lille University
Title of the talk: “Speciation dynamics in plants versus animals”
Lecture hall 0.40, CoMB (building 301), University of Cologne (hybrid)
27.04.2023, 11:00 a.m. CET, Prof. John McKay, Colorado State University
Title of the talk: “Identification of genetic mechanisms to redesign crop production systems for sustainability”
Lecture hall 0.024, Biocenter (building 304), University of Cologne (hybrid)
07.02.2023, 16:00 CET, Prof. Laurent Excoffier, Institute of Ecology and Evolution, University of Bern
Title of the talk: “Genomic signals of adaptation after a population range expansion”
Lecture hall 0.024, Biocenter (building 304), University of Cologne (hybrid)
26.01.2023, 14:30 CET, Dr. Irene Till Bottraud, French National Centre for Scientific Research | CNRS · GEOLAB
Title of the talk: Seminar on the ecology of Eryngium alpinum
Lecture hall 0.40, Biocenter (building 301) at the University of Cologne
23.-25.01.2023, Seminars within the framework of the W2 Professorship (UoC)
Dr. Lea Frachon, University of Zürich; Ecological genomics of local adaptation to biotic factors
Dr. Marc Stift, University Konstanz, (R)evolutionary Transitions - the Evolution of Selfing and Polyploidization in Plants
Dr. Brook Moyers, University of Mass.,Boston; Evolutionary genetics in a dynamic world
Dr. Adrien Favre, Natural park of the trient valley, Valais, Switzerland; The origin, evolution and conservation of mountain biodiversity
Dr. Anne Roulin, University of Zürich; An integrated approach to studying local adaptation in the wild grass Brachypodium distachyon
Dr. Julia Bechteler, University of Bonn; Causes and consequences of habitat changes on biodiversity
Dr. Markus Stetter, University of Cologne; Adapt or disappear: Genomic determinants of plant adaptation
Dr. Andrea Fulgione, MPI for Plant Breeding Research, Cologne; Plant population genetics and adaptation genomics: towards a genomic view on plant community ecology
Lecture hall 0.40, ground floor, Center of Molecular Biosciences (CoMB); Zülpicher Str. 47a
17.01.2023, 10:00 a.m. CET, Dr. Roswitha Schmickl, Charles University of Prague
Title of the talk: “Adaptation to whole genome duplication in Arabidopsis lyrata”
Seminar room 2.009, Biocenter (building 304), University of Cologne
16.-17.01.2023, Seminars within the framework of the W1 Professorship (HHU)
Dr. Josselin Clo, Charles University Prague; Theoretical and empirical investigations of the evolution of autopolyploidy
Dr. Elena Hamann, Fordham College, NY; Contemporary evolution in plants: what the resurrection approach (fore)tells us about evolutionary change in novel environments
Dr. Lea Frachon, University of Zürich; Ecological genomics of local adaptation to biotic factors
Dr. Bojana Stojanova, University of Ostrava; Ecological and evolutionary consequences of plant responses to environmental changes: examples from arable, endangered and invasive species
Dr. Marc Stift, University Konstanz, (R)evolutionary Transitions - the Evolution of Selfing and Polyploidization in Plants
Dr. Piyal Karunarathne, Uppsala University; Finding genetic signatures of local adaptation; prospects of landscape genomics
ZSL building 22.07 seminar room 00.33, first floor, HHU Universitätsstrasse 1
29.11.2022, 16:00 s.t., Prof. Aurélien Tellier, Professorship for Population genetics, Technical University of Munich
Title of the talk:“Inference of ecological and life-history traits from full genome polymorphism data: tales of success and limitations”
Lecture hall 0.40, Biocenter (building 301) at the University of Cologne
Past career events
20.02.2025, 5:00 p.m. CET, Career Perspectives Event (online)
“Scientific Communication and Collaborations Management”
Dr. Meret Cepero Malo, Scientific Communication and Collaborations Manager, NVision Imaging Technologies
05.12.2024, 4:00 p.m. CET, PhD Career Perspectives Event (online)
Imaging Specialists in Academic Research & Industry
- Dr. Astrid Schauss, Head of CECAD / CMMC Imaging Facility, University of Cologne
- Dr. Giuseppe Calculli, Field Application Specialist in Multiplexing, Fluorescent Microscopy, Miltenyi Biotec
07.11.2024, 12:00-14:00 CET, INSPIRE career talk
Speaker: Prof. Antje Heese, University of Missouri, USA
O.A.S.E. (Building 16.61), Heinrich-Heine-University, Düsseldorf
19.09.2024, 5:00 p.m., "PhD Career Perspectives Event" (Online)
Team Coordinators and Technical Support
- Dr. Chiara Calabrese ,Team Coordinator- Technical Support Italy, Global Flow Specialist, Miltenyi Biotec
20.06.2024, 5:00 p.m. CET, "PhD Career Perspectives Event" (online)
Product Management
- Dr. Mathilde de Jong, Miltenyi Biotec
18.04.2024, 5:00 p.m. CET, "PhD Career Perspectives Event" (online)
Marketing & Marketing Management
- Dr. Kurchi Bhattacharya, Ass. Director, Head of Content Marketing PCR & Genomics, Corporate Communications, QIAGEN
22.02.2024, 5:00 p.m. “PhD Career Perspectives Event - Diagnostic Laboratories" (online event)
- Dr. rer. nat. Jelena Maric-Biresev, Scientific Coworker in Cytogenetic Diagnostics, Diagnostic Lab of Institute for Human Genetics, Universtätsklinikum Bonn
- Dr. Melanie Polke, Academic Leader of the Molecular Infection Biology Dept. at Wisplinghoff Diagnostics Laboratories, Cologne
18.01.2024, 5:00 p.m. CET, "PhD Career Perspectives Event" (online)
- Vlad Averkov (Drug) Safety Manager, BioNTech SE
21.09.2023, 5:00 p.m. CET, "PhD Career Perspectives Event" (online)
- Dr. Hans Derk Pannen - Medical Strategy Lead UCB Pharma
29.06.2023, 5:00 p.m. CET, "PhD Career Perspectives Event-Science management" (online)
- Dr. Isabell Witt - Scientific Coordinator GSfBS, University of Cologne
- Dr. Emmi Wachsmuth - Managing Coordinator CRC 1403, University of Cologne
13.04.2023, 5:00 p.m. CET, "PhD Career Perspectives Event-Scientific Publishing" (online)
- Dr. Lucie Laurien - Editor at Cell Reports
- Dr. Sara Murru- Publishing and Development Specialist at Frontiers
09.02.2023, 17:00 CET, "PhD Career Perspectives Event-Science communication” (online)
- Dr. Anna Euteneuer- Science Communication Officer, University of Cologne
- Dr. Mihaela Bozukova- Science Social Media Officer eLife Science Publications & Freelance Science Journalist, Science Communicat
Past meetings
25.-27.09.2024, 4th Internal Progress Colloquium
22.05.2024, The GEcoGen celebrates the International Day for Biological Diversity
13.-15.03.2024, 3rd Internal Progress Colloquium
18.-20.12.2023, 2nd Internal Progress Colloquium
28.-30.06.2023, 1st Internal Progress Colloquium
1.-2.12.2022, Kick-off Meeting
Past training events/workshops
16.-20.09.2024, Common active research training (Project A12)
Place: Biocenter Cologne, Zülpciher Str. 47b, 50674
14.06.2024, 3:00 p.m. CET, Experiment tour: B7 project
Place: Botanical Garden at the HHU
27.05.2024, Gender, Diversity and Equal Opportunities Workshop
10.10.2023, TRR341 Plant Phenotyping Workshop
TRR341-sponsored events
21st International Symposium on Iron Nutrition and Interactions in Plants (ISINP)
July 8th to 11th, 2024 in Düsseldorf
See the conference resport here.
June 3-7, 2024 in Puchberg am Schneeberg, Austria