21.01.2025, 4:00 p.m. CET, Dr. Dana Lauenroth, University of Lübeck
Title of the talk: “Assessing Herbicide Resistance - Mathematical Models of Weed Management and Resistance Evolution”
Conference room 0.02 (Aquarium), Building of Theoretical Physics (326), Zülpicher Straße 77a, 50937, University of Cologne (hybrid)
17.12.2024, 4:00 p.m. CET, Dr. José María Gómez, Experimental Station of Arid Zones (EEZA-CSIC), Spain
Title of the talk: “Be beneficial for the wrong reason: Exploring the adaptive value of plasticity in Moricandia”
Building 26.24, Floor U1, Hörsäle 6L, HHU Düsseldorf (hybrid)
10.12.2024, 4:00 p.m. CET, Prof. Eric Schranz, Wageningen University
Title of the talk: “Maroon rice genomic diversity reflects 350 years of colonial history”
Lecture hall 4, CoMB-Building (301), 4th floor, University of Cologne (hybrid)
15.10.2024, 3:30 p.m. CET, Prof. Ronald Pierik, Wageningen University
Title of the talk: “Light signaling integration over spatial scales regulates plant developmental plasticity”
Seminar room 0.40, CoMB-Building (301), University of Cologne (hybrid)
15.10.2024, 4:30 p.m. CET, Prof. Christa Testerink, Wageningen University
Title of the talk: “Think global, act local; Getting to the roots of plant resilience to salinity stress”
Seminar room 0.40, CoMB-Building (301), University of Cologne (hybrid)
24.06.2024, 4:00 p.m. CET, Prof. Jill Anderson, University of Georgia, USA
Title of the talk: “Local adaptation in a rapidly changing climate: Insights from a North American wildflower”
Lecture hall 26.11. HS 6A, Heinrich-Heine-University, Düsseldorf (hybrid)
11.06.2024, 3:00 p.m. CET, Mini-Symposium
Dr. Jana Ebler, Heinrich-Heine University, Düsseldorf will talk about “Pangenome-based genome inference”
Prof. Yun S. Song, University of California, Berkeley, will talk about “Predicting functional constraints in proteins and non-coding DNA”.
Lecture hall 4, 4th floor, CoMB (Building 301), University of Cologne (hybrid)
16.04.2024, 4:00 p.m. CET, Prof. Anke Steppuhn, University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart
Title of the talk: “Bitter and sweet: A nightshade defends itself against herbivores”
Lecture hall 4, 4th floor, CoMB (Building 301), University of Cologne (hybrid)
29.02.2024, 4:00 p.m. CET, XXVIIIth Cologne Minisymposium on Plant Biology (TRR341-sponsored event)
Lecture hall 0.024, Biozentrum (Building 304)
06.02.2024, 4:00 p.m. CET, Prof. Anu Eskelinen, University of Oulu, Finland
Title of the talk: “Mechanisms of biodiversity change – insights from plant communities in the Anthropocene”
Lecture hall 0.024, Biozentrum (Building 304), University of Cologne (hybrid)
30.01.2023, 4:00 p.m. CET, Dr. Heiko Vogel, MPI for Chemical Ecology, Jena
Title of the talk: “A (limited) genomic perspective on Insect Adaptive Strategies to Host Plant Defenses”
Lecture hall 0.40, Centrer of Molecular Biology (building 301), University of Cologne (hybrid)
16.01.2024, 4:00 p.m. CET, Dr. Stephan Schiffels, MPI for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig
Title of the talk: “Spatial inference of population structure and prehistoric human mobility from ancient and modern genomes.”
Lecture hall 4 (4th floor), Centrer of Molecular Biology (building 301), University of Cologne (hybrid)
21.11.2023, 4:00 p.m. CET, Prof. Arthur Korte, University of Würzburg
Title of the talk: “Natural variation in gene regulatory networks”
Lecture hall 0.40, Centrer of Molecular Biology (building 301), University of Cologne (hybrid)
26.09.2023, 4:00 p.m. CET, Prof. Michael Lenhard , University of Potsdam
Title of the talk: “Elucidating the molecular basis of floral adaptations to promote outbreeding”
Lecture hall S231, COPT Zentrum (building 315), University of Cologne (hybrid)
01.08.2023, 4:00 p.m. CET, Prof. Sileshi Nemomissa Duguma, Addis Ababa University
Title of the talk: “Afro-alpine “Sky Islands”: Biological dynamics, Speciation and Climate Change”
Lecture hall 0.024, Biozentrum (building 304), University of Cologne
20.06.2023, 4:00 p.m. CET, Prof. Peter Beerli , Florida State University (hybrid)
Title of the talk: “Population divergence estimation”
Lecture hall 4.30, 4th floor of the CoMB (building 301), University of Cologne
09.05.2023, 4:00 p.m. CET, Dr. Vincent Castric, Evo-Eco-Paléo unit, Lille University
Title of the talk: “Genomic basis of diallelic self-incompatibility in the oleaceae”
Lecture hall 0.40, CoMB (building 301), University of Cologne (hybrid)
09.05.2023, 5:00 p.m. CET, Dr. Camille Roux , Evo-Eco-Paléo unit, Lille University
Title of the talk: “Speciation dynamics in plants versus animals”
Lecture hall 0.40, CoMB (building 301), University of Cologne (hybrid)
27.04.2023, 11:00 a.m. CET, Prof. John McKay, Colorado State University
Title of the talk: “Identification of genetic mechanisms to redesign crop production systems for sustainability”
Lecture hall 0.024, Biocenter (building 304), University of Cologne (hybrid)
07.02.2023, 16:00 CET, Prof. Laurent Excoffier, Institute of Ecology and Evolution, University of Bern
Title of the talk: “Genomic signals of adaptation after a population range expansion”
Lecture hall 0.024, Biocenter (building 304), University of Cologne (hybrid)
26.01.2023, 14:30 CET, Dr. Irene Till Bottraud, French National Centre for Scientific Research | CNRS · GEOLAB
Title of the talk: Seminar on the ecology of Eryngium alpinum
Lecture hall 0.40, Biocenter (building 301) at the University of Cologne
23.-25.01.2023, Seminars within the framework of the W2 Professorship (UoC)
Dr. Lea Frachon, University of Zürich; Ecological genomics of local adaptation to biotic factors
Dr. Marc Stift, University Konstanz, (R)evolutionary Transitions - the Evolution of Selfing and Polyploidization in Plants
Dr. Brook Moyers, University of Mass.,Boston; Evolutionary genetics in a dynamic world
Dr. Adrien Favre, Natural park of the trient valley, Valais, Switzerland; The origin, evolution and conservation of mountain biodiversity
Dr. Anne Roulin, University of Zürich; An integrated approach to studying local adaptation in the wild grass Brachypodium distachyon
Dr. Julia Bechteler, University of Bonn; Causes and consequences of habitat changes on biodiversity
Dr. Markus Stetter, University of Cologne; Adapt or disappear: Genomic determinants of plant adaptation
Dr. Andrea Fulgione, MPI for Plant Breeding Research, Cologne; Plant population genetics and adaptation genomics: towards a genomic view on plant community ecology
Lecture hall 0.40, ground floor, Center of Molecular Biosciences (CoMB); Zülpicher Str. 47a
17.01.2023, 10:00 a.m. CET, Dr. Roswitha Schmickl, Charles University of Prague
Title of the talk: “Adaptation to whole genome duplication in Arabidopsis lyrata”
Seminar room 2.009, Biocenter (building 304), University of Cologne
16.-17.01.2023, Seminars within the framework of the W1 Professorship (HHU)
Dr. Josselin Clo, Charles University Prague; Theoretical and empirical investigations of the evolution of autopolyploidy
Dr. Elena Hamann, Fordham College, NY; Contemporary evolution in plants: what the resurrection approach (fore)tells us about evolutionary change in novel environments
Dr. Lea Frachon, University of Zürich; Ecological genomics of local adaptation to biotic factors
Dr. Bojana Stojanova, University of Ostrava; Ecological and evolutionary consequences of plant responses to environmental changes: examples from arable, endangered and invasive species
Dr. Marc Stift, University Konstanz, (R)evolutionary Transitions - the Evolution of Selfing and Polyploidization in Plants
Dr. Piyal Karunarathne, Uppsala University; Finding genetic signatures of local adaptation; prospects of landscape genomics
ZSL building 22.07 seminar room 00.33, first floor, HHU Universitätsstrasse 1
29.11.2022, 16:00 s.t., Prof. Aurélien Tellier, Professorship for Population genetics, Technical University of Munich
Title of the talk:“Inference of ecological and life-history traits from full genome polymorphism data: tales of success and limitations”
Lecture hall 0.40, Biocenter (building 301) at the University of Cologne