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International conference of the TRR341 and GEcoGen in Plant Ecological Genetics!

Cologne Spring Meeting 2025

Events and Seminars

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17.03.2025, 5:00 p.m. CET, The Career Perspectives Event goes Cologne Spring Meeting 2025!

Dr. Dorit Grundewald, Scientific Coordinator, Food Security Network, University of Cologne
Christina Kothes M.Sc., Innovation Manager, Institute for Plant Sciences, University of Cologne

When:  Monday, March 17th 2025 at 17:00
Where: MTI-Building (44b), Joseph-Stelzmann-Straße 9, 50931 Cologne (Next to CECAD)

Click here to inform us until the February 28th 2025 about your participation.

18.-20.03.2025, Cologne Spring Meeting "Plant Ecological Genetics"

Place: MTI-Hörsaalgebäude (building 44b), Joseph-Stelzmann-Str. 50, 50931

22.05.2025, Celebration of the International Day for Biological Diversity

Place: Place: Foyer & Lecture hall 0.024, Biozentrum (building 304), University of Cologne 

Program to be announced 

27.05.2025, 4:00 p.m. CET, Prof. Caroline Gutjahr, MPI for Molecular Plant Physiology, Golm

Title of the talk: “tba”

Lecture hall tba, University of Cologne (hybrid)

22.-24.09.2025, 5th Internal Progress Colloquium

Sportschule Hennef

Past events